Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beauty is only skin deep!

Good evening,

This post is a little off the usual path about Little Chefs or cooking with my kids. I am so excited about something that happened to me today.
I must first confess I am a bit of a computer junkie / addict. I am been known to surf around the web for long amounts of time in the evening. ( Just ask my husband who finds me in front of it and say's " Are you still on the computer?" )
I have a number of newsletters that are in my inbox on a daily or weekly basis . I love information . Information about health, cooking , kids, parenting, crafts. These are my favorites!

Today Erica Ehm called me personally! She is the founder of the Yummy Mummy Club! Which I have been a member for some time now. http://www.yummymummyclub.ca/ Check it out , they have amazing articles, blogs, and contests! I have followed her career since the 80's with Much Music and all.
It was so nice of her to call me personally after I had e-mailed her a question about beauty products that she had reccommended.
We chatted for a while and she seems like a great person! I hope to get a chance to meet her soon.

Yours in good health,


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